
I like to drive cars - in video games of course. The closest thing I have gotten to driving in real life is a bumper car. I would like to own a Chevy Camaro. By the time I am old enough to drive a car, 2009 Mustangs are going to be old. I hope that a 2012 Mustang is going to be my first car. When I was in sixth grade I was hit by a car, a Honda Civic, on my way to school. The person who hit me was not looking both ways, and I was severly cut on my leg , I was really scared. Since then my knees haven't been the same.  My dad took me to the hospital. They said I was alright, it was just a cut and a bump. I had fast instincts, because I managed to jump over the car. When I drive, I will remember to look for pedestrians, and look both ways before turning.

1 comment:

Merci said...

Thank you for sharing that, how painful, but it also sounds heroic, that you were able to jump over a car, due to your fast instincts! When you start driving, please also remember to use your turn signals.

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