
She was the best teacher ever! She would always read to us and she was the best reader ever: the emotions she did, the different voices, I wanted to read just like her.  Sometimes I would pretend I was reading to my class. I would do different voices, just like her. I would ask questions before turning the page, just like she would.  The funny thing was, I would make predictions and pretend I was in class, and only I would get the answer right :D I was a crazy.

I remember a week before she left, she told me she wasn't coming back to my class. That she needed to go to another school and that she was going to miss me very much.  She said that she was going to miss my very interesting stories and that she was going to come visit. 

But she didn't come visit. She just left, and she like forgot about me. I got mad about that, but I got over it as I grew up. I never guessed that I was going to be just like her.
I became a very famous writer and it was because of her. She got me inspired when I was in the 3rd grade

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