Well, one time in 7th grade I was playfighting with a guy I had just met. The bell for nutrition had just rung, and we were bumping into each other, and I guess I pushed him a little too hard because Ms. Alexander blew her whistle at the both of us. Little did he know that I was just a seventh grader. So, I was misunderstood by both my friend, who thought I was in eighth grade, and Ms. Alexander for thinking that I was trying to hurt my friend. Now, we call each other and are really close. He graduated and I miss him soooo much!- Cupcake
I tried to go to the library around lunchtime. Two things went wrong: the bell when I was almost there, and some guy came from like thin air. I'm like, where did he come from or whatever. I reached for the door when I heard his voice say "What are you doing? THe bell has rung. Get to your class." I tried to convince him that I was just returning a book but he didn't want to hear it. And I got it in late/ From then on, I return books right when I am finished with them.
- Ryu123
In sixth grade I was trying to find my class, and I mispronounced the teacher's name when I asked for help. They didn't know who I was talking about, so I was afraid that I didn't have that teacher. I went to the office and told them, and then they told me where to go. I thought the teacher should have known who I was talking about.
- Violet
A time when I have felt misunderstood is when I couldn't play a scale in my orchestra class. Everyone was laughing and I did so bad that the teacher had to come over to me and explain how it goes. I felt so misunderstood because I DID know how to play that scale, I was just so nervous. And, to top it off, all my peers made me feel worse. I'm not that great at cello but I try hard and that's all that matters.
- Button
One time, when I was yelling at my friend, my teacher thought I was yelling at her and she kicked me out and I started yelling at her.
- Stickers
One day, I got into trouble for something I did not do. I told the adult that I didn't do it, but she asked who it was. I pointed into a group and said "That one. The one with the black colored jacket." She thought I was pointing to a different group.
- Mr. Waffles
I feel that people, especially adults, overall misunderstand teenagers in general. Starting in about the 7th grade, you start to feel like teenagers and adults come from different galaxies. Emotionally, mentally, it is just hard to understand each other all the time. But I'm a teenager and I just have to deal with it.
- Kitty
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