
When I was in sixth grade, I had a very close friend who was in a different academy. I was hurt and upset when she began to favor other girls in her academy. In a jealous rage, I embarked on a journey full of ignored texts, "I'm busy" answers. I refused to even talk to her. We drifted greatly apart.
After a while, I began to  make more and more friends in my academy. Looking back, I realize that she was just making friends in her class. It was me being jealous and mean that left her running.
- krakra

My friend misunderstood me when I told her a joke. I asked her what school she was going to, and she said a performing arts school. I said, "Why? You don't have any talent besides playing on your blackberry." I meant it as a joke, but I did realize that it hurt her feelings. We decided not to be friends anymore.
About 7 months later, we decided it was stupid that we weren't friends and we decided to be close again. NOW I know that she takes things very personal and that will be the last time I say a joke to her that might hurt her feelings. Hopefully since we are neighbors, we stay close friends forever!
- Borris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i understand how you feel. i had a friend who thought i called her something she didn't like. we stopped talking to each other. we avoided each other and havent spoken to each other to this day. i wont even change the past to still be friends with because i now know she is really messed up. giovanni J

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